As I continue to try and determine a straddling checkerboard that could work with the first transposition numbers, I've done a little research on other ciphers similar to the SECOM cipher. It turns out there is another type of cipher, simply called the paper-and-pencil cipher - xx (PPC-xx), that uses four varying keys in order to produce the straddling checkerboard and resulting transpositions. A variant of the SECOM cipher, there are only a couple that seem viable, but at least it is a new direction. The SECOM cipher is rather simple as it is, but these are potentially even simpler. Check out Dirk's weblog for more information on the cipher.
And further information on PPC-xx can be found here.
For now, I am both biding my time in the vain hope that Storm will let loose a little more information about the cipher and attempting to complete a checkerboard that works. Also, I would like to encourage you all to submit anything you are working on to the blog, so that I can continue to compile as much data as possible and work toward a solution. Even if it's just some scribblings on a napkin, you simply never know what little piece of information or fresh line of thinking will open the door to a solution. So, again, I would love to receive your submissions, and I will of course give credit where it is due on the Contributions page.
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