Blog Description

This blog is a personal examination of the "Pizza Code Mystery" ARG created by Christopher Horn for the Black Mesa video game.
I will attempt to update this blog on a regular basis, for as long as the ARG is in existence and folks are willing to attempt to solve it.
This will not be a complete overview of the clues and such associated with the ARG--you can find a complete, up-to-date version of that material here.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My Absence and The Latest Clues

Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for my month-long extended absence.  Around 7pm today I finished my last final of the semester, and this last three weeks has been a doozy (to say the least).  First and foremost, I want to apologize for letting this blog die a bit in that time.  I never intended to take this long to get back in the game, but every time I sat down to update something else popped up.  Thankfully, I've got a full two and a half weeks to relax . . .

And crack some pizza codes.

So where are we now?  I've taken some time reviewing the forums, particularly the wiki page update.

First of all . . . I like it.  It means that this clue is supposed to be difficult, and I think we've come to our next "gate". 

The letters italicized in the original terminal message spell out:  "seek out code he is watching"

It's written like that on purpose; it's not seek out the code, he is watching, but rather seek out Code_ who is a user on the IRC chat.  Code_ is also 0418_08151814 on the forums.  Perhaps he is an extension of the ARG, perhaps not.  But I think it's clear that this is what the message intends for us to think.  Whether it's a red herring or not is left to be determined.

Noting this, I think we all need to pay special attention to what he mentions.  Furthermore, I think you've all thrown in some very, very interesting things on the forum, and I get that feeling that we are on the correct path.  This last code surely has to do with the Niobium, as seen by the inclusion on the wiki page.  

I have an opinion about who is watching--I think the AI is some extension of Stormseeker himself.  Whether that extension is a program he created, or a scapegoat for fulfilling his own desires at getting back at Dr. Stone and Dr. Welsh, I think there is a third party here "watching" us.

As for the code itself, it may be a very complicated cipher, but it might also be a hint at something else.  We've gotten through some difficult ciphers (the one-time pad comes to mind), and this might be a change-up just to throw us off the path.  Perhaps there is some sort of substitution intended with the Niobium mention.  

I will see what I can do with the new information, and will update if I find anything.  I'm glad to see that you folks have kept this very much alive while I've been in school, and I look forward to seeing what's to come.  Oh, and before I forget--expect a new poll and rate-it question soon!

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