Blog Description

This blog is a personal examination of the "Pizza Code Mystery" ARG created by Christopher Horn for the Black Mesa video game.
I will attempt to update this blog on a regular basis, for as long as the ARG is in existence and folks are willing to attempt to solve it.
This will not be a complete overview of the clues and such associated with the ARG--you can find a complete, up-to-date version of that material here.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Blog Changes

Just a brief update today concerning the look of the blog.  I've gone ahead and increased the size of things a bit--this included widening the post area and the sidebar, as well as increasing the size of the text.  With some of the sections being very detailed, I wanted to do my best to prevent the text from "running into itself" and generally making it easier all around to read the posts and sidebar content.

Another change is the poll feature--no longer will I be using the Blogger poll tool.  For some reason, it decided to crap out on me the other night, deleting all of the recorded responses.  Apparently I'm not the only one to have this issue, as a quick Google search led me to dozens of complaints and articles about the problem.  That said, I will be using the Polldaddy tool in place of the Blogger tool, and expect that it will be more reliable in terms of retaining vote data. 

Lastly, I've added a small section to the sidebar that will display the top answer to past polls, for those that are curious.

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