Blog Description

This blog is a personal examination of the "Pizza Code Mystery" ARG created by Christopher Horn for the Black Mesa video game.
I will attempt to update this blog on a regular basis, for as long as the ARG is in existence and folks are willing to attempt to solve it.
This will not be a complete overview of the clues and such associated with the ARG--you can find a complete, up-to-date version of that material here.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Intended Site Additions

As I consider how much information and data-gathering may eventually come into play with this ARG, I find it more and more likely that we need a place where collaboration can come from a number of resources, particularly from those folks who want their voices heard.  Sure, additions to the Wiki page is one thing, but not everyone has the time or desire to condense their efforts into suitable Wiki content, or may believe their work isn't "Wiki-worthy".  I'd like to challenge that mode of thinking and remind each and every one of you guys working with me on this that your thoughts ARE important and could be the doorway to the next big solution.

I am also planning some additions to this site for purely aesthetic reasons.  Anyway, here are some of the additions I am planning to make over the next few days:

  • Addition of a page that utilizes a form to accept input from you guys
    • I haven't yet decided if this will be a simple "type-and-email" concept or a more complex form with varying inputs.
    • However, either way, this will be a crucial tool to allow you all to input your thoughts and have them implemented on this site.  Although this has started as a personal blog, I want it to be a conglomeration of all of our thoughts, ideas, and eventual solutions.  That means including you guys and gals.
  • Multiple pages that outline various standard ciphers
    • I'm doing this because the majority of the websites I've visited are either very limited on their descriptions of the ciphers, or they are extremely too user-unfriendly in format, language, etc.  This will be a down-to-brass-tax rendition for those that are new to ciphers or simply want to brush up
  • A page that details the contributions of visitors to this website, mainly as a way to say, "Thanks for your contribution"
These are just a few of the thoughts I've had swimming around in my head lately.  I expect them to be fully implemented by the end of the week, but definitely by the end of next week.  I also need to make a small addition to the "Cipher Formats" page, as well as post a full entry on what I've done so far with the enigma cipher and where I think it's heading.

Stay tuned.

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